Mount USB Drive on RuneAudio

If you want to attach the external USB drive containing the music library directly to the Raspberry Pi being used as a music player do the following the steps:

  1. Connect the drive to a powered hub that is connected to the Pi (preferably with the Pi powered off).
  2. Go to http://runeaudio (or whatever you configured as the host name for the Pi).
  3. Select ‘Settings’ from the menu and change ‘USB Automount’ to ‘On’ in the ‘Features management’ section, then click ‘Apply Settings’ to save.
  4. Select ‘Sources’ from the menu and the drive should appear under ‘USB Mounts’.


If the drive does not show up perhaps it is because it is formatted using exfat which is not supported under RuneAudio. You will need to install fuse-exfat.

  1. In a terminal connect to the Pi using ssh:
    ssh root@runeaudio
    (or whatever hostname you used when you set up the device). Password is ‘rune’.
  2. Update the package database:
    pacman -Syy
  3. Install fuse:
    pacman -S fuse
  4. And fuse-exfat to support the exfat file system:
    pacman -S fuse-exfat
  5. Then reboot the Pi: